66 New APIs: Amazon Mobile App, HP and Wookmark


66 New APIs: Amazon Mobile App, HP and Wookmark This week we had 66 new APIs added to our API directory including a multimedia content analysis tools, mobile device management service, Amazon mobile app creation tools, enterprise web conferencing platform, image collection and sharing service. Additionally we covered quick and easy messaging with Flocknote’s API. Below are more details on each of these new APIs.

Amazon Mobile App

In-App Purchasing API: For offering digital content and subscriptions for purchase within apps.

Amazon GameCircle API: Makes Achievements, Leaderboards and Whispersync services accessible in-game.

Amazon A/B Testing Service: For experimenting with different in-app experiences.

Amazon Maps API: To add interactive maps to apps for most Kindle Fire tablets.

Ancient World Mapping Center

The AWMC API allows users to browse, access, and interact with the AWMC database. The API uses RESTful calls and responses are formatted in GeoJSON and RDF.

Apicultr Word Lemmatizer

Argos WebService API: The service provides tracking and monitoring of locations on the earth's surface by satellite processing of signals from a transmitter, either at a fixed station or mounted on a vehicle or other mobile platform. Applications of the satellite monitoring services include observations of oceanic conditions, management of fishing grounds and activities, and monitoring wildlife habitats.

API methods support retrieval of satellite and transmitter positions and processing of tracking data collected by the system. Methods supply locations of transmitters and sensor readings for conditions there along with estimates of error in readings and system diagnostics.

Autodesk BIM360 Glue

API methods support access to data defining objects uploaded to the shared access platform, allowing manipulation of object views and viewer input generated during reviews. Methods allow control based on project, users, models, and other variables related to the shared access activities. The API supports integration with project management and accounting systems, along with custom interfaces for shared access.

BrightTalk API: BrightTalk is a webinar and video meeting service provider. Some features include real time Q&A, slides, feedback, and recording abilities.

The BrightTalk API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality of BrightTalk with other applications. Public documentation is not available; API access comes with account service.

ChemGPS API: The service provides principal component analysis (PCA) of chemical samples with relevance to biology to generate a global space map. In effect, it provides a sort of global positioning system (GPS) identifying the location of a sample in an overall matrix of properties based on its chemical composition. Analysis produces a description of a set of compounds based on dimensions or components that together represent its physical-chemical properties, including size, aromatic properties, lipophilic properties, polarity, and flexibility.

API methods support submission of sample data for analysis, resulting in mapping of its properties through interpolation of PCA scores. Methods support queuing a sample dataset for analysis and monitoring processing status. Methods also support access to analytical results upon completion of the process.

Chronomove API: The French service provides information about multimodal transportation opportunities between destinations, including carpooling and ridesharing possibilities. It presents real-time updates about ridesharing both needed and offered combined with scheduling for more traditional transport modes to allow configuration of a single trip. Social capabilities work with established social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to allow interactions between users while they travel to exchange information and refine individual plans.

API methods support designation of rider, point of origin, and destination to generate transportation routes employing multiple transit modes. Methods also allow integration of shared transportation including carpooling and ridesharing as part of a trip. Event methods allow conversations among users and support posting of offers and activities associated with transportation routes. Routing information is compatible with all mapping, traffic, and transit data exchange formats.

CivicApps Restaurant Inspections

API methods provide safety inspection scores along with restaurant name and location (both address and geolocation coordinates) as well as inspector name, date, and related detail. Results can be adjusted for a different record count than the default or a specific date range, specified as start date and optional end date.

ClickDesk Live Chat

The Live Chat API uses JavaScript to enables users to retrieve up to five profile fields for a customer instantly on their IM, even before initiating the live chat.

Codeproof MDM API: Codeproof is a provider of a cloud hosted mobile security platform used to secure personal and corporate data in mobile phone and tablets.

Codeproof provides MDM API’s to partners and mobile developers. Integration of Codeproof APIs with other software or a mobile app, allows developers more control over reporting and management of mobile devices. With the Codeproof Webservice API, an administrator can query device information, trigger actions, restriction policies, and application information from any enrolled mobile devices. The API uses SOAP protocol and responses are formatted in XML.

Continuuity API: Continuuity is a service that helps users build applications based on big data. Continuuity offers application hosting in the cloud, tools and features to build applications, and data storage.

The Continuuity API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality of Continuuity with other applications and to create new applications. Public documentation is not available; interested developers should sign up here: http://www.continuuity.com/sign-up-for-the-beta.

Daily-Proxies.com API: Daily-Proxies.com is a service that provides users with well-tested and functional proxies for the use with many different Internet applications. An API is provided that lets users import tested and fresh proxies several times per day directly into their own applications, without any manual effort. The API uses HTTP calls and responses are formatted in HTML or Text.

DirectIQ API: DirectIQ is an email marketing SaaS targeting small to medium businesses. The service offers contact management, template creation, email campaign delivery, campaign reporting and more. The API offers full access to this functionality and allows developers to integrate it into their applications. The API uses SOAP calls and responses are formatted in XML.

Doodle Republic Chatoon

Elsevier Linked Data Repository

API methods support retrieval of RDF documents describing Elsevier resources as well as other resources from outside sources related to Elsevier's materials. Methods also provide access to a proprietary thesaurus of topic descriptors applied to resources cataloged within the service. Thesaurus descriptions include the topic identifier, preferred label, example text, and date proposed as well as the funding body proposing the term.

EnClout URL Parser

The URL Parser API takes a URL or domain as input and returns parsed IDN (internationalized domain name) records in JSON, XML or HTML format.

Entranced.FM API: Entranced.FM is an independent internet radio station that broadcasts a mix of ambient, lounge, trance, and world music. The station can be received by a media player such as Winamp, Windows Media Player, or VLC Media Player. Registered Entranced.FM users can request songs, chat with other users, and participate in the forums.

Entranced.FM provides a SOAP-based API for retrieving information about the song currently playing, information about songs queued up for play, or a list of songs previously played.

Estes Express API: The service provides shipping for items from parcel size to less-than-truckload (LTL) lots, with rate quotes, calculated transit time, and shipment status tracking. It integrates with e-commerce applications as part of fulfillment for completed transactions or standalone applications devoted specifically to shipping needs. It handles shipping manifest and pickup scheduling for shipments created via front-end functions.

API methods support generating a free rate quote and estimate of transit time in response to a request specifying cargo, point of origin, and destination. Methods also support booking a shipment with pickup scheduling, status updates during transit, and tracking.

Exigo CRM API: The service provides tools for customer relationship management (CRM). Functions include maintaining a database of customer accounts with full address and contact information, along with order history and contact tracking to maintain and enhance ongoing interactions, leading to future sales and satisfaction. Related tools provide for web content management and sales force management, with order and compensation records by sales rep.

API methods support creation and updating of customer records, including name, address, contact information, order history, and contact history with sales lead tracking. Methods also support order processing and invoicing, both for one-time purchases and recurring purchases, with management of product catalog listings and their web display. Reporting methods support retrieval of customer summaries and salesperson history with compensation figures.

Fabersys API: Fabersys is a group of web and iPhone application developers that provide small and medium businesses with custom web and iPhone applications. A collection of WSDL endpoints are hosted by Fabesys and appear to belong to APIs used by its employees. These APIs have functions for dealing with task lists, time sheets, and associated documents. There is no additional public documentation available for these APIs.

FakeCreditCardGenerator API: FakeCreditCardGenerator allows users to create fake credit card numbers that come with expiration dates and CVV2 numbers. The service is designed to allow people retain their anonymity online, as well as use the fake numbers in programming test environments without risking charging an actual card number. An API key is required for access.

Flocknote API: Flocknote enables users to create and send simple email newsletters and text messages to groups of people. It was designed primarily for churches, ministries, and other such organizations. Flocknote handles all of the subscribing, unsubscribing, open-rate tracking, bounces, and related issues.

Recipients can choose to receive messages by email, text message, or both. If some group members don't do email or texting, Flocknote can call them on the phone or reach them via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS instead. The Flocknote API makes this service's functions accessible to other sites and services via REST calls.

Furk.net API: Furk.net is a cloud file storage service that fetches media files and allows users to stream them immediately. The Furk.net API provides developer access to files, downloads, feeds, labels, profiles, and more.

Government of the Canary Islands Platino

HP Labs Multimedia Analytic Platform

ICE Data API: The service from IntercontinentalExchange provides data about market transactions and trends from global markets in commodity futures contracts, over-the-counter (OTC) stock issues, and derivative securities such as option contracts. It reports on market transactions and clearinghouse exchanges from North America, Europe, and countries in other regions. It sets benchmark values and calculates indexes in many industries (e.g., energy and agriculture) as well as foreign exchange (forex) markets and equities.

API methods support placement and routing of orders for securities transactions and retrieval of transaction and research data reflecting the trading history of securities and markets. Methods also support post-trade processing to complete transactions in conformance with legal and other requirements.

inConcert Contact Center

API methods support creating, updating, and deleting contacts, including phone and address information. Methods also support definition of campaigns and generation of contact lists to be included in campaigns. The API provides for referrals from existing contacts to new ones to support expansion of contact lists.

InviteBox API: InviteBox enables users to design and launch social referral programs for their online businesses. Users can reward customers immediately for sharing their site through social channels by giving them coupon or promo codes, downloadable files, access to locked areas or features, or other customized rewards. Customers may be offered rewards for meeting certain numerical goals for referrals, or InviteBox can be used to set up a promotional contest in which customers compete with each other to get the most referrals.

InviteBox's JavaScript API allows users to create customized rewards and reward conditions. The JSON-based Reward Callback API can issue server-to-server calls when a customer makes a post to a social channel or when a referral visits the site or completes a referral goal.

JasparDB API: The service provides access to a database of factor-binding profiles depicting genetic makeups and structures typical of species. It provides biological researchers with lookup access to matrices defining genetic relationships documented through research.

API methods generate profiles of transcription factor binding sites in varying formats, including Position Frequency Matrices (PFM), Position Weight Matrices (PWM), and Information Content Matrices (ICM). Methods support retrieval of all matrices or of a specific matrix specified by system ID or name. The API also supports search among matrices described in the system by topic-specific tags applied.

JobServe API: JobServe provides services to employment seekers and advertisers in the global market across all industry sectors. The JobServe API provides developer access to job searching functions through a RESTful interface. Results may be JSON or XML formatted.

KMA Websky API: The service from the Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA) provides a shared database of weather observations, measurements, and forecasts. It reports any special warnings about weather conditions in the area along with reports on lightning activity, radar and satellite imagery, weather charts, and related resources. Data services are provided to partner agencies, businesses, and the general public.

API methods support retrieval of forecast data, warnings about extraordinary conditions, readings from surface observation stations, and satellite radar data.

Kusinaatbp PayPlus API: Kusinaatbp is an online database of Filipino recipes. It provides recipes for traditional Filipino and Filipinized dishes ranging from the very popular to the very unique.

The Kusinaatbp website also provides a Market Place where people can advertise items they wish to sell or buy. Kusinaatbp uses the PayPlus software to enable people to make purchases through the website. This implementation comes with an API that allows people to make purchases programmatically via SOAP calls.

Massphoning API: Massphoning is a voiP based calling technology that allows users to schedule waves of hundreds of automated calls. The service is designed for emergency warnings, polls, surveys, encouragement messages, and attendant confirmations. The Massphoning API allows users to integrate the multi-calling capability with other apps and websites. The service uses REST calls and OAuth for security.

MELT API: MELT (Metadata Ecology for Learning and Teaching) is a project designed to provide people who use educational content with access to more useful types of metadata. The goal is to help them to find resources that fit their needs in terms of language, culture, and preferred teaching style. MELT is provided by the German FWU Institut fuer Film und Bild.

FWU has contributed about 700 learning objects and 1500 assets to the MELT repository. These resources can be accessed through the MELT website or by using the SOAP-based API. The MELT website is provided in both English and German.

Mocapay API: Mocapay offers users a platform that mobile-enables their businesses’ current payment, loyalty, gift, social media and coupon programs. The Mocapay API allows developers to integrate the Mocapay mobile commerce system into any third party or POS solution. Full public documentation is not available but interested developers should contact the provider for more details.

Movilizer API: The service provides for review and update of vehicle maintenance and safety inspection information via the provider's cloud platform. It is intended to allow drivers to post condition reports and results of inspections they conduct prior to operating vehicles or if events occur during operation. Vehicle condition reports can be managed via a mobile device client or integrated with SAP, SalesForce, or other asset management applications.

API methods support retrieval of vehicle inspection and maintenance reports and submission of new reports. Mobile device support helps to support interactions with the system by employees in the field.

NISS API: NISS is an independent research institute dedicated to strengthening and serving the national statistics community. As a service and example to this community, NISS has begun to develop a set of web services. So far, they've complete the NISS Webswap API, which swaps one or more attributes between user-specified records in a microdata file, uploading the original data file from the user's computer and downloading the file containing the swapped records. This API uses SOAP calls issued in XML format.

NJ Transit DepartureVision

API methods support retrieval of an arrival and departure schedule for a particular station within the provider's train lines. Methods also support real-time data, including any current delays, for a specific trip within the system.

OiDViEW MIB API: OiDViEW MIB API allows users to query the online SNMP MIB database from anywhere in the world. There are thousands of public domain MIBs from hundreds of Network Management vendors in the MIB database. These MIBs are usually updated weekly. To use the API, users need a key which must be included with all requests. It is freely available for non-commercial use by any developer and may be licensed for commercial use. The API uses RESTful calls and responses are formatted in XML and JSON.

Open Beer Database

OpenSnow API: OpenSnow.com provides meteorologist-crafted snow reports and forecasts for ski resorts across America. The OpenSnow API provides developer access to ski area forecasts. Responses may be returned in XML, JSON, or CSV format.

Optimizely API: Optimizely provides A/B testing services for comparing the effectiveness of two versions of a web page. Optimizely enables developers to divide site visitors into two groups and to show each group a different version of the same page. Developers can then monitor and compare metrics, such as conversion rates, for each group.

The Optimizely API was designed to give users extra control over experiments as well as to let them retrieve information about the state of Optimizely. To use the API, developers only need to place one line of JavaScript code on every page they want to test. This code snippet will never need to be changed or updated.

PostLinks.com API: PostLinks.com is a text link brokerage that allows webmasters to buy and sell text links. It uses a system that supports Article Posts, Contextual Links, and Comment Links. The PostLinks.com Link Building API lets webmasters improve their search engine rankings by building links. Users can create custom link building scripts or integrate link building into their existing online control panel. The API includes almost all of the functionality that is available through the PostLinks.com Control Panel. The API uses REST and SOAP protocol with responses in XML and JSON.

PressTrends API: PressTrends provides analytics and illuminates trends for developers, designers, and content creators within WordPress and beyond. The PressTrends API allows developers to integrate PressTrends into web and mobile apps. Available services include access to WordPress theme data, plugin data, and more. This is a RESTful API returning JSON or XML formatted responses.

Qobuz API: Qobuz is a Paris (France) based online music service providing a high quality (lossless) music store (per track/album download) and a streaming music service (on a subscription basis). Qobuz is the only lossless (FLAC 16-bit / 44.1 kHz) streaming service and also have the largest high resolution 24-bit (up to 192 kHz) music catalogue wich makes it the best online music source in the world. The whole catalogue is today available in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg but soon in all Europe and majors countries worldwide.

Retrotector API: The service from the University of Uppsala in Sweden provides analysis of DNA sequence data to generate a viewable representation of genetic links represented. A Java-based viewer program is available to interpret analytical output and depict genetic structures for deeper investigation.

API methods support submission of a DNA sequence data in FASTA format or as raw data (possibly including position numbers). Sequence size may range from 5 to 10,000 KB in length. Methods support queue management to remove or update analysis jobs along with status monitoring for either an entire queue or a single job. The API also provides for accessing analytical output files.

Rezdy new API: Rezdy is an online booking and reservation platform. Users can accept reservations and bookings online through their websites with Rezdy features.

The Rezdy API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality of Rezdy with other applications and to create new applications. Public documentation is not available; interested developers should sign up here: http://info.rezdy.com/developers.

Saba Meeting API: Saba Meeting (formerly Saba Centra) is an enterprise-class web conferencing and virtual learning environment. It provides fast, low-bandwidth web conferencing using HD video and VoIP. Saba Meeting enables clients and co-workers to share documents, applications, and desktops in real time. An Active Speaker function lets users see who is speaking at any given time.

Saba Meeting works with Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms, as well as with all major browsers and mobile devices. Users can extend and integrate with Saba Meeting by using its API. Although the API is discussed in Saba's blog, no other documentation is publicly available.

SBML Validator API: The service provides a review and format validation for samples of systems biology markup language (SBML), a specialized flavor of XML common to a specific category of researchers in biological science. It ingests the sample markup and checks it against the SBML standard, then notes any variations from proper syntax or inconsistency in formatting that would prevent its use by applications that rely on the language.

API methods support submission of the URI for accessing a sample SBML file to be validated. The API returns notation identifying syntax and formatting problems and stating the nature of the problem. Methods allow control of validation methods to disable certain syntax checks, such as validation of consistency of reporting for units of measurement, to tailor results to desired level of completeness.

SEMrush API: SEMrush creates software products for search and marketing professionals. Features include keywords research, SEO metric comparison, advertising research, and comparison of competitors’ organic positions. The SEMrush API allows users to pull automated data from the SEMrush servers.

Shanje Control Service

API methods support creating of new customer accounts under an established reseller account, including new email addresses and login credentials. Methods also support listing and selection of hosting plans and configuration according to plan provisions to establish storage and access permissions for customer self-management of contracted hosting resources.

Snoobi API: The Finland-based service provides traffic tracking and analytics for web pages, content elements, social media messaging, and some other communications campaigns. It emphasizes tracking of effectiveness for communications and messaging across web, social, and phone-based channels. Customized reporting functions are intended to deliver summaries with or without detail appropriate to decision-making needs from strategy formulation to tactical implementation.

API methods support retrieval of reports from overall traffic summaries and performance against goals or among specific user demographics. Traffic reporting provides analytics for site directories, pages, and page sections. Reporting breaks down advertising performance, search term effectiveness, and geographic variation in traffic patterns.

Sony Online Entertainment Data

St. Gregorios Church Calendar

Sumibi API: Sumibi is a tool for converting text between kanji and romaji. Kanji is the pictographic alphabet of the Japanese language wherein each symbol represents a word or concept. Romaji uses the Latin alphabet (or Roman alphabet) to spell out Japanese words phonetically. Sumibi is free for public use. Its functions can be accessed programmatically using SOAP calls. The Sumibi website is provided solely in Japanese.

TaqTiqa API: TaqTiqa is a streaming data delivery network that provides historical and current ticker and quote data to traders and hedge funds. The Taqtiqa API provides a hypermedia based REST based service that is a single entry point describing available resources. The service returns JSON and uses HTTP Basic Auth over SSL and API Tokens for security.

TaxiFareFinder API: TaxiFareFinder is a taxi fare calculation ser ice that uses a proprietary algorithm that uses data from over 150 localities, distance, duration, and possible trip factors like traffic, driving speed, urban density, and wait times to determine that rate you pay for a ride. The TaxiFareFinder API uses REST calls and returns JSONP. The service allows users to embed the FareFinder technology into websites and applications.

The Materials Project

tos-dr API: Tos-dr, which stands for Terms of Service; Didn't Read, is a site dedicated to creating greater transparency between websites terms of service and privacy policies and users of the sites. They analyze the legal terms and assign ratings to sites based on how invasive terms are. The Tos-dr API gives users access to database of ratings so they can include them in browser add-ons, web analytics, and other apps. The source uses REST calls and returns JSON. The service is free to use and advanced documentation is available on Github.

TowerData API: TowerData provides Real-Time Data Services, a collection of web services that help ensure the quality of data entered into business websites. These services validate and correct email addresses, postal addresses, and phone numbers. They can also retrieve demographic information for individuals or households. For a given IP Address, they can retrieve the associated location and ISP. Some aspects of the service use SOAP calls for integration while others rely on JSON-formatted REST calls.

UNAVCO Synthetic Aperture Radar

API methods support searches against the metadata the archive of SAR scans and related resources across a number of interrelated collections. A request retrieves a list of holdings by location and/or with specified parameters such as image resolution, date the scan was generated, and format. Each resource record describes availability status and possible access methods.

VetSuccess API: The service from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs provides job and open position listings for access by U.S. military veterans to promote their employment after service. It allows employers to register and post job vacancies for access and applications by veterans seeking work. Integration potential allows other employment services and recruiting platforms to interact with the service, publicize opportunities, attract prospective employees, and process applications.

API methods support posting jobs based on data in existing recruiting or HR systems without duplicate manual entry via the service's own interface. Methods also support real-time editing existing job postings and updates to lists of an employer's current opportunities.

VouchSafe API: The service provides and alternative to CAPTCHA for validating form submissions and preventing abusive submissions by scripts or bots. Instead of entering distorted characters, the service presents a series of images and allows a human user to use a mouse to draw a line connecting related images or to circle an unrelated item. An "adaptive AI" modifies the service's behavior over time based on aggregated user actions.

API methods support generation of an image set, along with JavaScript that adds the challenge and handles user input. Methods also return validation results reporting the user's success or failure at completing the challenge.

Wookmark API: Wookmark is a social site for collecting and sharing images and videos. Users can organize their images with groups and follow other users for inspiration. The Wookmark Plus upgrade allows users to have private images, videos, and groups. It also enables them to upload their own images, have groups with multiple members, sync with Dropbox, and archive old groups.

Wookmark's RSS API allows users to follow popular images, new images, a particular user's images, or a particular group's images. Wookmark's JSON/JSONP API allows users to access popular images, new images, images by user, images by group, images matching a color, and source images. This API also enables users to search through Wookmark's images.

Zoo Property API: The service provides listings of real estate and properties offered for sale or rental, grouped by selling and and office. It allows remote creation and updating of property listings with information about location and address, description text, specifications and amenities, taxing jurisdiction, and property photos. Integration possibilities allow property listings to be built into neighborhood and regional information applications and other platforms that expose the listings to wider audiences. A WordPress plug-in is available that interacts with the API to display listings.

API methods support creation of sale and rental listings, including short-term holiday rentals, for a property, with ability to edit offer terms and information over time. Methods also support listings for commercial real estate offerings. The API supports management of information about property marketing such as open house events.

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