by ://www.flickr.com/photos/58007188@N05/6935938533">sg_1969
Question by Tejhummer: Can someone please explain the android OS and will the 2.3 OS be able to be instaled on the samsung captivate?
i dont understand. you know how the iphone 3g can only support the 3Gs OS but not the 4 OS is the android OS the same or can you install any android OS on the samsung captivate
Best answer:
Answer by skiba
Android is Google’s operating system, built around openness and customizability. That’s the brief on Android. For more information, look at Google’s own Android site.
The Captivate will likely be updated to 2.3 because it’s based on very similar hardware to Google’s new flagship device, the Nexus S. While it does depend on AT&T and Samsung’s own agendas, there’s a good chance it’ll see Gingerbread, and likely Honeycomb (the next planned update) as well.
If you’re feeling up to the task, it’s also possible to run 2.3 on your Captivate now by rooting it and installing a ROM ported from the Nexus S. Instructions can be found on the XDA Developers forum.
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