Foursquare Updates Android App to Emphasize Discovery


More specifically, Foursquare shares that over the past few months its Android users have increasingly relied on the app “to search for places to go.” This is likely why the company opted to develop (what it calls) a “smoother search experience.”

In line with improving search, Foursquare is doubling down on discovery, and has opted to move its Explore map directly to the top of Android users’ home screens. That change is not mirrored on iOS, however, as iPhone-owners are instead brought to the ‘Friends’ tab on launch.

no phone initial copy1 1 Foursquare updates its Android app to emphasize discovery, adds improved search and navigation

Android users will also notice that navigation within Foursquare’s app has been rethought. The company has embraced drawer-style navigation, as shown below.

no phone drawer copy1 Foursquare updates its Android app to emphasize discovery, adds improved search and navigation

Foursquare only recently launched sharable venue pages, and today’s update reinforces the company’s direction towards becoming a true discovery engine. See the app for yourself via the link below.

Update: Foursquare says Android users will “see the changes from this update rolling out over the next few weeks.”

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