Gametrailers Editor Says PS4 Will “Whoop The Wii U’s Ass” Graphically


“Furious Francis” of recently got the chance to sit down with Shane Satterfield, Editor-in-Chief of The two talked about a lot of subjects including Resident Evil 6, graphics versus gameplay, the unique opportunities offered by the Wii U, and who has the upper hand in the next generation. Although Satterfield believes that gameplay is more important than raw power, he noted that it’s his opinion that the PS4 will “whoop the Wii U’s ass” graphically. Hit the jump to catch the video and a breakdown of some of the other topics discussed.

The interview started with a discussion on Resident Evil 6, and Satterfield had some interesting opinions. Resident Evil 6, according to Satterfield, is a very good action game, even though it doesn’t fit the typical Resident Evil mold. For this reason, Satterfield suggests that Capcom should consider splitting the franchise up into a more traditional Resident Evil series, and a more action-based spinoff series.

The topic later switched to the Wii U, which Satterfield believes has a chance to make some waves in gaming. The unique gameplay opportunities that the GamePad creates have Satterfield optimistic, but he’s not completely sold on the system just yet.

Finally, on the topic of the next generation, Satterfield believes that graphics will not necessarily be a primary factor in determining the success of the consoles. Satterfield predicts that the next generation will see a much closer playing field in terms of power and price, with first party games being central. He believes this will give Sony a significant edge over Microsoft, and that the PS4 will likely be the most successful console of the next generation.

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