Is the Tilt 2 from ATT a good phone?


Question by : Is the Tilt 2 from ATT a good phone?
I know the specs, but give opinions about everything including the recent android development and custom roms. Thanks. Also, should I invest in a Lg optimus gt540 over the Tilt 2?

Best answer:

Answer by doug3041
You sound like a tech savvy person so i’ll give you all the details, if you see any phone running Windows Mobile, back away, there is a reason Microsoft scrapped it and made Windows Phone 7. Simply because it didn’t play nice with hardware, abusing the CPU and having poor driver support for the graphics hardware meaning poor performance scrolling, gaming and video playback. Go for the Optimus its running Android which is a better operating system and is more hackable,has a more modern os and faster processor.
Here is the status on custom roms for the optimus:

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