by ://www.flickr.com/photos/10559879@N00/5126908928">avlxyz
Question by Adam C: how to extend my droid incredible’s battery life significantly?
my droid incredible’s battery dies very quickly. I have no widgets and exit all my apps using the back button, thus killing them. I don’t use a task manager, and have all my power settings low. I never have wifi on and only have my 3g on when im using it. any suggestions as to how I can extend the battery life? any apps or methods used? (not buying an extra battery)
Best answer:
Answer by Nikola Petrovic
A task manager can be a stupid thing on Android, but it can be useful to find those apps that are problematic. If they use a lot of CPU (constant 5% is a lot) and turn back on when killed, constantly running in the background, uninstall them.
Since you are basically doing everything you can, there is only one other option I know of – but it requires root. Juice defender (there are others, I haven’t used them) can do quite a lot of tweaks when your battery gets low. But not on the original HTC rom. It doesn’t allow underclocking and it doesn’t allow switching between 2G and 3G connection (or even doesn’t let an external application to kill 3G for that matter), which can significantly boost the battery.
One more thing you can do with the rooted phones is allow it to underclock lower. You can even undervolt, but that can easily affect your stability. For example, my HTC Legend runs from 480-600MHz with stock rom. With Cyanogenmod and Blayo, it runs on 245-600MHz, and the battery conservation is significant. With SetCPU (which can override the HTC protection, if I recall the correct program), I have managed to make it run from 128-600 with full stability (but it did lose a lot in responsiveness, and didn’t yield much battery savings compared to 245-600). You can use a similar tweak on you Incredible, but only if you are prepared to root it.
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