All Design Extreme About Gadget, #Smartphone #Tablet #Notebook #Games » Battle Latest reviews and guides for best extreme design of mobile gadgets, notebook, smartphone, software, games, from all factory manufacturer Sat, 05 Oct 2013 22:32:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation – Guntank Mass Production 量産型ガンタンク /mobile-suit-gundam-battle-operation-guntank-mass-production-%e9%87%8f%e7%94%a3%e5%9e%8b%e3%82%ac%e3%83%b3%e3%82%bf%e3%83%b3%e3%82%af/ /mobile-suit-gundam-battle-operation-guntank-mass-production-%e9%87%8f%e7%94%a3%e5%9e%8b%e3%82%ac%e3%83%b3%e3%82%bf%e3%83%b3%e3%82%af/#comments Thu, 13 Dec 2012 13:26:52 +0000 extreme Continue reading


Game: Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation MS: Guntank Mass Production LV1 Player: lordy001 機動戦士ガンダム バトルオペレーション量産型ガンタンク LV1 ================================================ Please check out these links: Subscribe to: ================================================ Royalty Free Music by I Roberto Moreno claim all ownership to my videos as my own, and they are allowed to be used commercially. I take full responsibility of any copyright issues and wish to address that with the following statements. I, Roberto Moreno, owner and founder of youtube channel lordantonius, state that all voice work on my channel in my videos that are selected for revenue share do contain my own created work. All voice work is done by myself, and all written commentary are also done solely by myself. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use I used content under the FIAR USE policy, I do not own any audio or video shown they belong to the respective owner(s)

PS3 MW3 AS50で30秒で8連キル!w

今回は、ドロップゾーンで連キルしました。 AS50最強!? PS3ID IT-CK-ZM skype it-ck-zm
Video Rating: 0 / 5

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Acer Aspire S7 and Dell XPS 12 review: battle of the transforming 1080p touchscreen ultrabooks /acer-aspire-s7-and-dell-xps-12-review-battle-of-the-transforming-1080p-touchscreen-ultrabooks/ /acer-aspire-s7-and-dell-xps-12-review-battle-of-the-transforming-1080p-touchscreen-ultrabooks/#comments Sun, 25 Nov 2012 15:33:00 +0000 extreme Continue reading

Unfortunately, in the process of making these laptops double as tablets, neither Dell nor Acer quite nailed the ergonomics.

With the XPS 12, the problems are weight and size. Despite a pair of rubber bumpers on the back which give it some grip, I found the XPS 12 too chunky and weighty to hold in one hand for long, and even with two I felt inclined to prop my elbows up on a surface. Also, in what seems like a missed opportunity, Dell doesn’t let you use the keyboard unless the screen is docked in the laptop position. On a cramped airplane, it’d be nice to be able to position the screen directly above your hands while you type things on the physical keys, but you’ll have to use the touchscreen keyboard instead. You’ll also need two hands to open the lid because of the laptop’s stiff hinge, though that hinge tension comes in handy when you’re propping up the screen at certain angles.

Even though the 13.3-inch Aspire S7 is physically larger than the XPS 12, it’s actually light and thin enough that you can hold it up with a single hand, and that tacky Gorilla Glass makes an excellent surface to grip. I found that I enjoyed reading websites in portrait a lot more with the S7 than the XPS. The rigidity and 180-degree hinge of the Acer also means you can just grab the screen and lift it up to your face, with your thumbs on either side to activate Windows 8 multitasking gestures.

Acer doesn’t seem to have have expected all these scenarios, though: there’s no automatic orientation here, so you’ll have to hit Fn + O to rotate the screen 90 degrees clockwise every time you want to change things up. More annoying is Acer’s power button, which isn’t protected like Dell’s. It’s completely exposed on the left edge of the laptop, and doesn’t take much of a press. I accidentally bumped it over a dozen times — putting my computer to sleep — in the course of writing this review. You won’t have to worry about either laptop turning on in your bag, though. Both Acer and Dell keep the power button from activating when the laptop’s screen is completely closed.

Acer’s hinge isn’t quite as nice as the Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga’s 360-degree assembly, which lets you flip the keyboard all the way around, but it does have a neat trick of its own. It’s a dual-stage hinge, which starts out weak, but suddenly gets nice and strong when opened beyond a 100-degree angle or so. The result is that you can not only lift the lid with one hand in a pinch, but also have the tension you need to keep it from moving once the screen reaches your desired viewing angle.

When it comes to ports, Acer definitely has the edge over Dell. Not only do both models of the Aspire S7 have the SD card reader that the XPS 12 lacks, but the 13.3-inch S7 comes bundled with Micro HDMI to VGA and USB to Ethernet adapters, not to mention a cheap Bluetooth mouse and a microfiber-lined sleeve. The Dell has none of these things.

That’s not to say that dongles are necessarily a good idea, and neither laptop has a particularly good array of connectivity overall. Both the XPS 12 and 13.3-inch S7 have twin USB 3.0 sockets on the right side, right next to one another — making peripherals likely to interfere — and both put the headphone jack painfully close to the power switch. Acer’s SD slot is exceptionally shallow, to the point where you wonder if the card will fall out. Dell includes a Mini DisplayPort for video connectivity, which is a decent choice considering the availability of cheap adapters for HDMI, DVI and VGA, but Dell doesn’t include any adapters in the box. The Mini DP socket also doesn’t double as a Thunderbolt port .

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Battle Sudoku Against Friends Free Review /battle-sudoku-against-friends-free-review/ /battle-sudoku-against-friends-free-review/#comments Tue, 06 Nov 2012 03:36:03 +0000 extreme Continue reading

Away with ye, newspaper games! It’s time for Battle Sudoku Against Friends.Sudoku need not exclusively be the domain of tired-eyed, funny-smelling old men whiling away their bus commute with a newspaper and a pen. Sudoku can be exciting. It can even be cut-throat. Battle Sudoku Against Friends demonstrates that there can be bad blood (and land mines) between the lines of the classic Sudoku grid.

There’s no story to Battle Sudoku Against Friends: it’s just you, a stranger, and the integers, baby—though you can get a friend to compete against you in lieu of a random digital passerby.

You and your rival take turns revealing numbers on a Sudoku grid. Basic rules apply here: numbers can’t repeat in a column, a row, or in any 9 x 9 space. In a traditional game of Sudoku, you can take your time and deduce which numbers are missing according to the numbers that have already been unveiled. Identifying missing numbers according to what’s already been filled in applies with Battle Sudoku Against Friends, too—except you have 60 seconds to uncover three numbers in a single turn. Oh, and there are mines scattered around the grid, too.

Battle Sudoku Against Friends scores you according to the numbers you reveal. Whatever you dig up is added together, and the sum is your score for that round, which is added to your total. You can also score bonus points for revealing numbers according to certain patterns—prime numbers, for instance, or three successive numbers (7, 8, 9). Triggering a mine lowers your score, though if you manage to unearth three in one turn, you’ll net a major bonus.

If you’re hesitant about running onto the Sudoku battlefield in the name of blood, you can buy power-ups that make your experience a little easier. For a few coins, you can X-ray tiles to get a sneak peek at what lies beyond, and/or you can buy precious extra seconds to help you make more strategic decisions. The coins that you use to buy power-ups are the same coins that go towards letting you take your turn, so spend them wisely. They regenerate over time, though, and you can buy more with real-world cash.

Battle Sudoku Against Friends offers a brand new way to have a little aggressive fun with numbers, and it definitely adds a new layer of challenge to an old game. There is one major flaw, however: Facebook is your only log-in option, and your name and portrait are utilized with seemingly no option to change it.

Battle Sudoku Against Friends is not a great option for anyone who feels intimidated around numbers and timers, but if you enjoy thinking over number puzzles on your feet, maybe you should consider getting serious about Sudoku.

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‘Neo Aquarium’ Review – CRAB BATTLE! /neo-aquarium-review-crab-battle/ /neo-aquarium-review-crab-battle/#comments Sat, 03 Nov 2012 15:34:21 +0000 extreme Continue reading


Neo Aquarium is the weirdest game I’ve played in a very long time, and any conventional attempt to review it is almost certainly doomed to failure. When I first saw the trailer for it up , I just laughed. And then laughed some more. And then sent off an E-mail asking for a review copy. Below is what I witnessed. Don’t skip any part of it. Just sit, and watch the whole thing. You’ll appreciate it all the more. As you can see, I just had to share it with the world, and tell you about this game – anything less would just be shellfish.

Neo Aquarium is a 3D arena fighting/shooting game where you can play as a barnacle. Singular. You move by reproducing, and control the next barnacle in line.

Neo Aquarium is a game where lobsters have eye-lasers and can crush their watery foes with flaming telekinetic tentacles.

Neo Aquarium is a game that has two separate and universal button combinations to sever your own limbs, which will then float around on their own accord, firing lasers at your enemies.

Neo Aquarium is a game where crabs use their terrible psychic presence to brainwash sea cucumbers into joining their armies and uniting against their foes.

Neo Aquarium is a fast-paced battle between cosmic crustaceans with a relaxing aquarium-decorating mode. There are constant on-screen temperature, oxygen and pollution gauges for the water.

Neo Aquarium is a game where you can fully replace severed limbs by shedding your shell, immediately regenerating and growing larger. Fights escalate as the fighters constantly expand.

There’s a story here – some explanation for why all this rampant silliness is happening, but it’s halfway between the Dadaist lunacy of Bangai-O and the earnest wackiness of Earthworm Jim. The opening plot scroll, the monologues between fights and even the ending are utterly incomprehensible. There’s something about interdimensional aquariums, mutations and mother nature being pelted with frozen potatoes. Best not to think too hard about it. I really do wonder whether the original Japanese version was this insane, or whether Playism felt the need to embellish the writing in a game about lobsters with eye-lasers.

So, it’s Thunderdome underwater. Thundercube, if you will – two crustaceans enter, one crustacean leaves. You can customize your personal aquarium with rocks for cover and laser-shooting defensive wildlife if you want, and this is pretty relaxing. There’s a fairly broad range of things you can decorate your home turf (and surf?) with. Fights take part when your aquarium is mashed up against another, either in story mode, competitively via network or custom battles – either way, a brawl ensues.

The action feels floaty and slippery, almost as if the game was taking place deep underwater, and the combatants were crabs – fancy that. The controls are fairly simple, mapped around a SNES pad-esque layout. You largely move while locked onto the target, facing them wherever you go, although you can un-lock to manoeuvre more freely if you wish. Each crustacean has two ranged attacks, one melee attack, and three charegable super-moves that drain from the same power bar that the shell-molting ability uses. You can also detach your legs or pincers at will, and have them shoot or claw remotely while you generate new limbs, meaning that you can surround your enemy with yourself, if you play your cards right. What a concept.

Each creature has their own play-style, with their super-moves being completely unique, and their ranged and melee attacks handling slightly differently. One crab has a powerful front-firing beam, but being a crab, it insists on walking sideways. In the case of the barnacle, the game plays like nothing else – you’re a barnacle, and thus, you can’t move. You can traverse the map by pressing the jump/swim button to spawn a new barnacle in the direction pushed, though, and transfer control to that. All your past bodies act as gun emplacements too.

The game is low-fi and low-budget. The animations on the various crustaceans are fairly wobbly, and the game only supports 4:3 aspect ratios. The music is an interesting high-point, with it being all over the place, from mellow ambience to electro beats to vocal rock accompanying crabs beating the crap out of each other underwater. Just another layer of strange, strange atmosphere to the whole thing. The game was apparently a university project, and primarily a one-man show, which explains a lot.

I’ve neither mastered the game yet, nor unlocked everything. There’s a variety of secret/bonus characters to unlock, including a diver, a submarine, and some kind of aquatic magical girl. While it’s nice to see our surface-dwelling selves represented, the crabs and sea-life are the stars of the show here. Them and their strange powers, detachable limbs, continually expanding bodies and the ability to mind-control lesser sea life to battle on their behalf. Fights often become a glorious visual mess of swirling lasers, flailing claws and floating limbs, and I’m not sure I’d have it any other way.

In all truth, I just wouldn’t feel right giving this game a numerical score. It’s weird, unpolished and wobbly and really doesn’t fit into any real genre pigeon-hole aside from possibly ‘shooter’ or ‘fighting’. There’s a lot of ridiculous charm here, and the game isn’t going to break the bank, being just over $ 7 for the next two weeks. Neo Aquarium is available for Windows PCs only, direct via Playism, who localized and are distributing the English version. They’ve also got a demo, if you want a bit of scampi before you buy the whole lobster.

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Video Game Trailers – PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale “Raiden Gameplay Trailer” Metal Gear /video-game-trailers-playstation-all-stars-battle-royale-raiden-gameplay-trailer-metal-gear/ /video-game-trailers-playstation-all-stars-battle-royale-raiden-gameplay-trailer-metal-gear/#comments Wed, 03 Oct 2012 01:33:17 +0000 extreme Continue reading


PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale “Raiden Gameplay Trailer” Metal Gear When attendees of the upcoming Penny Arcade Expo take to the floor to line up and play crossover fighter Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, a new character will be available for them to play and it’s a very familiar…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

*NEW* Not only will you watch some beast sniping but you will also get some insight on how to manage your youtube channel like a pro. Being yourself and taking out bad guys is the topic to this episode of “Road To Gold”! Hope you all enjoyed the video. Until next time peace! Follow Me On Twitter!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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TGS 2012 Trailers – PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale “TGS 2012 Trailer” [60 Fps HD] /tgs-2012-trailers-playstation-all-stars-battle-royale-tgs-2012-trailer-60-fps-hd/ /tgs-2012-trailers-playstation-all-stars-battle-royale-tgs-2012-trailer-60-fps-hd/#comments Sun, 23 Sep 2012 09:37:54 +0000 extreme Continue reading


PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale “TGS 2012 Trailer” TGS Trailer Playlist: TGS 2012 Trailer Platforms: Playstation 3 & PS Vita Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Developer: SuperBot Entertainment Genre: Fighting Release Date: US: October 23, 2012 EU: October 26, 2012 This was shown on todays event revealing some new stages such as the Loco Roco and Resistance stages. Sony has begun sending out invite codes for the PlayStation Vita version’s beta. Sony has sent out emails announcing the Cross Play Developer Beta for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale where “you’ll be among the first to experience the iconic characters of the PlayStation universe coming together in an epic fighting game! We’re very excited to show you the game and all the fantastic features we’ve been working on and we can’t wait to see everyone go all-out in battle to see who’s truly the best!” If you did receive a code you will gain access to beta forums where you can give valuable feedback directly to developer SuperBot Entertainment. The cross-play developer beta is set to run through Tuesday, September 25. It is unknown how many codes were sent out, so be sure to check your inbox! Meanwhile, at the Tokyo Game Show, Sony announced that their PlayStation Plus program will be arriving on the Vita this November. ➚Like CommunityGame On Facebook! ➚Visit our Community Games Website: ➚For More Community Gameplays, Video Games, MMO, Rpg. Visit
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale ‘Nariko Trailer’ 1080p True-HD /playstation-all-stars-battle-royale-nariko-trailer-1080p-true-hd/ /playstation-all-stars-battle-royale-nariko-trailer-1080p-true-hd/#comments Sat, 22 Sep 2012 17:31:44 +0000 extreme Continue reading


PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale ‘Nariko Reveal Trailer’ 1080p True-HD This is the Nariko Gameplay Trailer, click here to watch Sir Daniel Gameplay: Platforms: Playstation 3 & PS Vita Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Developer: SuperBot Entertainment Genre: Fighting Release Date: US: October 23, 2012 EU: October 26, 2012 PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Officially Adds Nariko and Sir Daniel Fortescue to its Roster At this point, almost all — if not all — the fighters in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is already known due to the massive leak the game had a few months back. Now, Sony is slowly rolling out all the announcements and this time, it’s for the publisher’s loved but hopefully-not-forgetten franchises. In the trailer below, we get to see Heavenly Sword protagonist Nariko squaring off against Evil Cole from inFamous, Raiden from Metal Gear Rising and MediEvil’s Sir Daniel Fortescue! Yep, the same MediEvil from the PS1 days! While the action’s going on-screen, former Capcom community guru (now with Sony Santa Monica) Seth Killian does a running commentary of what’s happening. The chaos is being unleashed on the recently-announced Time Station from the Ape Escape series. While players might merely tag the game as a Smash Bros. clone, you have to admit that seeing these mish-mash of characters duking it out is very intriguing, no? Hopefully. the other rumored characters (Ryu from Ninja Gaiden, Jin and Kazuya from Tekken,etc.) will
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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The Amazing Spider-Man – ‘Playthrough Part 14 [Scorpion Battle #2]‘ TRUE-HD QUALITY /the-amazing-spider-man-playthrough-part-14-scorpion-battle-2-true-hd-quality/ /the-amazing-spider-man-playthrough-part-14-scorpion-battle-2-true-hd-quality/#comments Sat, 22 Sep 2012 01:34:14 +0000 extreme Continue reading


►► Remember to select 720p◄◄ [PART 14: Scorpion Battle #2] Welcome to my HD playthrough of The Amazing Spider-Man played on the PS3. This is my first attempt at the campaign and played under ‘Normal’ (Hero) difficulty settings. Platforms: Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PS Vita & 3DS Publisher: Activision Developer: Beenox Genre: Action Release Date: US: June 26, 2012 EU: June 29, 2012 This gameplay was all captured using the Elgato Game Capture HD. I have been using the Hauppauge HD-PVR since 2009 and on all of my past playthroughs, but the Elgato Game Capture HD is the superior device offering better quality and so I will be using this for all of my future playthroughs. Elgato Game Capture HD website: The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 14 The Amazing Spider-Man Playthrough Part 14 The Amazing Spider-Man Lets Play Part 14

This is my Let’s Play of the new launch title for the Sony PS Vita, Uncharted Golden Abyss! This is part 15 and we go through Chapter 32, “There’s No Turning Back” and Chapter 33, “Getting My Hands Dirty”. Thanks for watching and please remember to comment, like, and subscribe! Don’t forget to sub to the show to be updated on when the next part comes out! :) Like me on Facebook! Follow me on Twitter!

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★ Lets Play Gravity Rush – Part 21 – Nushi Boss Battle /%e2%98%85-lets-play-gravity-rush-part-21-nushi-boss-battle/ /%e2%98%85-lets-play-gravity-rush-part-21-nushi-boss-battle/#comments Fri, 14 Sep 2012 17:35:01 +0000 extreme

Hey folks I’ve had numerous requests from all of you to see a playthrough for Gravity Rush so you asked and here it is! I’m going to try to keep the videos around 10-15 minutes or so to make them easier to watch. Thanks for watching and if you guys like the playthrough please Like and Subscribe, Thanks! Connect with me! Twitter ➜ Facebook ➜ PSN ➜ kr00k322 (send a message with add) Xbox ➜ kr00k eL (send a message with add) 3DS ➜ 2449-4637-9302
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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★ Lets Play Gravity Rush – Part 15 Alias Boss Battle /%e2%98%85-lets-play-gravity-rush-part-15-alias-boss-battle/ /%e2%98%85-lets-play-gravity-rush-part-15-alias-boss-battle/#comments Wed, 12 Sep 2012 17:31:15 +0000 extreme

Hey folks I’ve had numerous requests from all of you to see a playthrough for Gravity Rush so you asked and here it is! This time we will be trying to rid the world of Alias..will Kat be successful? Stay tuned to find out! Thanks for watching and if you guys like the playthrough please Like and Subscribe, Thanks! Connect with me! Twitter ➜ Facebook ➜ PSN ➜ kr00k322 (send a message with add) Xbox ➜ kr00k eL (send a message with add) 3DS ➜ 2449-4637-9302
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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