The Prince Edward Walkthrough Guide, Review, Discussion, Hints and Tips at Jay is Games


The Prince Edward is bored and so sets out to play pranks on all the inhabitants of the castle, refusing to go to bed before exploring every room and discovering every contrivance and scenario that can possibly be done in this mini point-and-click puzzle adventure from Black Square.

Join the puckish young prince in his quest for mischief by using keyboard commands, [WASD] or [arrows], to move about and [E] or [K] to interact—searching for and finding not only useful objects to pick up, but fun places where to use them. Prince Edward isn’t too incorrigible: you’ll also help him find all the broken stained glass window shards and replace them, perfect for fans of hidden object searches as those little pieces are scattered everywhere!

With very little story to go on and many questions left unanswered, gameplay comes down to using the interact function everywhere, on everything, but it’s addictively gratifying to see what new award will pop up next. Unfortunately, there’s one area worth mentioning right now lest your never realizing it would spoil the experience—something hides behind a portrait but without a clue that the short little prince needs a mean to reach it. That not-very-minor quibble overlooked, a great amount of amusement can be had in discovering everything this castle has to offer while racking up as many trophies and achievements possible. For players who simply love hunting for items in a whimsical environment, The Prince Edward will prove very charming and handsome indeed.

Thanks to Cyberjar88 and Jennica for sending this one in!

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