What can a rooted droid eris do?


Question by CANNED CARNAGE: What can a rooted droid eris do?
I rooted my droid eris and I am wondering what it can do thanks

Best answer:

Answer by jake_edge
Rooted phones can tether their data connection, install apps to the SD card, overclock the CPU, clear internal caches, and install custom roms (the #1 feature in my book)…

The best answer I can give you is to read Android forums relating to your rooted Eris and the root process in general, and to flash a custom ROM. Here is the XDA Developers’ Eris ROM list:


Exploring your phone’s new root capabilities takes a little time and effort, but it’s worth it. A side note, read instructions carefully so as not to mess anything up on your phone.

Good luck!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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