What is rooting and should I do it?


Question by Mikey: What is rooting and should I do it?
Ok so i have a Casio G’zone one android phone currently running on android 2.2.1. and My friend rooted his phone what is rooting exactly i am familiar with jailbreaking but i dont quite understand rooting and should i do it?

Best answer:

Answer by Winston
The term rooting is basically the same as jailbreaking. The thing is, the jailbreaking term is used for iOS devices like iPhone or even devices like Windows Phone. On Android (and other Linux OS), the term rooting is used.

If you want to do it, do so. But make sure you do it correctly (follow instructions). Rooting allows you to have full control of your Android device and modify it to the way you want. So that means, you can attempt to flash your phone (format) and install a different ROM (like Android 2.3) into it, uninstall crapware that you can’t get rid of right now. Access files and folders that you couldn’t before and even overclock your phone’s processor for better speed.

Keep in mind that rooting can void warranty (unless you unroot it so they wouldn’t know).

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