What is the best way to finance a new Apple Macbook ?


Question by dreamthesky: What is the best way to finance a new Apple Macbook ?
I’m set on getting a new Apple Macbook. I’ve heard that financing through Apple or Barclay as it’s called, is horrible. Someone suggested I purchase through Best Buy and finance through them as well. Does anyone have any other suggestions on financing a Macbook or anything to add to Apple and Best Buy financing ?

Best answer:

Answer by Dave
Someone else was asking about a notebook computer with very specific requirements. I found a dual-core, high clock speed, 3GB RAM, 320GB hard drive, high-end ATI chipset GPU Windows 7 system for less than $ 500 including tax. That’s retail price at Best Buy.

I’m not saying you should settle for a PC (heaven forbid!). But notebook computers can be had for less (much less) than $ 500 now, full retail price, including tax. And these are NOT stripped-down entry level models.

I think anybody would be nuts to consider financing the purchase of a notebook computer. Save up a few hundred bucks and buy one. If a few hundred bucks won’t buy an Apple Macbook, you need to ask Apple why their hardware is so fricking expensive when nearly identical hardware running “Windows” is dirt cheap.

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