why are poeple so against the iphone/apple in general?


Question by kitty: why are poeple so against the iphone/apple in general?
I have a pc because I’m an engineer, but I have the iPhone 4 because it’s cheaper than buying an ipod and another cell phone. But people sneer at me when they see my phone and tell me “You should have gotten the Droid.” I have never heard anyone yell at me about phone purchases before, like when I got my Razor way back when, why are they doing it now?

Best answer:

Answer by Shhh
Jealousy? Who knows. Actually though, there are phones being offered by other carriers which are as good or better (in some ways) then the iPhone. But, it’s all a matter of preference. Preference both in what kind of phone you want and what carrier to go through.

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